Monday, April 22 - It’s been a week since we have blogged. What have we done? Well, we drove some trails, went to the Jeep Expo, ate several meals out, had a campfire every night, etc. I think it was last Tuesday that we had a 50-mile view day - no haze at all. I had not seen such a day in years, I had been wanting such a day to drive the Poison Spyder trail. When we got to the trailhead there were dozens of Jeeps headed up. It would have taken hours to get up, mostly sitting and waiting. And so it goes.
One day I needed to get gas before we went on a trail, so it was suggested that we meet up at the dead cow. Yep, someone took out a cow on 191 next to a parking area.
On another trail, we took time out to make the short walk into a canyon to see the world famous Jalapeño obstacle. (the trail also has the Pickle and Pickle Slicer) They were eight V8 powered rock crawlers lined up ready to run it. No one got rock damage and about half of them went up with barely a tire chirp.
Yesterday, we took the trail to Tower Arch. It was supposed to be the destination of Safari trail Paul and Laurie did Saturday. Based on their description they got nowhere close to it and the guide got lost twice. We all enjoyed the trail. A nice blend of wheeling with some great scenery.
Paul and Laurie left at 6 Sunday morning. They may drive all the way back to Washington today! Makes us tired to think about it. We enjoyed their company and wish them well until we met again.
We moved out 313 toward Dead Horse and Canyonlands. I wanted to a new view. It’s five miles farther from Moab, but closer to a few trails.
We are up a 1,000 feet here, so it will be a little cooler.
We went into town for groceries and dump. We got held up at the dump by two bozo’s. We expect trailer folks to be SLOW and these two were no exception. It was the guy in the pickup truck that got our attention. He had a metal can full of shit, no water, that he was shaking into the sewer. This went on for 20 minutes. His hose came off and so he had a mess to clean up too.
Dee and Bill arrived. They are new to boondocking and want to do more.
Wednesday, April 24 - Three of us drove the Wipeout Hill Loop. It’s an OK drive. Great views of the Monitor and Merrimack but not much else. The trail ends at Wipeout Hill which is a formidable obstacle. I saw it from above last year and did not try it. I wondered if I had gained the nerve to try it this year. It looks even more formidable from below. I again passed.
Thursday, April 25 - Keith wanted to go to the Green River. And so we did. I wanted to try a bit of the White Rim Trail. The views and pictures I have seen of it were at the south end of the trail. It did not inspire me. This end of the trail starts off along the river and yes the river is green. After a few miles, the trail climbs a thousand feet and then you round a curve and it’s like a John Ford movie scene. Expansive. 70mm Panavision. Cleopatra’s chair seems close across the river. I did not even try for a picture as it would have to cover about 120 degrees and I don’t have a Hasselblad. The image is etched into my mind.
Friday, April 26 - We had a stiff wind storm after lunch, followed by a little rain. Our parking area has fine views in all directions, but it’s hugely popular. Too busy. In the afternoon, rigs are cruising for a place. There are four Cruise America’s here tonight. We are going to move tomorrow probably back to where we last were.
Keith and Sandy are homeward bound. Bill and Dee are in town for a coupla nights. We will go in tomorrow, dump and fill, do marketing and the car show.
Saturday, April 27 - We left our scenic, but all too busy, parking area and went back to Dalton Wells. I picked a spot close the bluff hoping for minimum traffic, wind protection from two directions and no drainage from the rain the forecast.
We left at 9 and did not get to camp until 2:30. We did laundry, marketing, and dump and fill. We wanted to go to the car show, but traffic was insane and Dorothy got separated from me. She saw enough of the show for her and came out to the campground.
Friday there was no chance of rain in the 10-day forecast. Saturday, there was rain forecast for days two through five. On Sunday, only days four and five have a rain chance. Inspires confidence.
Sunday, April 28 - Lazy Day.
One day I needed to get gas before we went on a trail, so it was suggested that we meet up at the dead cow. Yep, someone took out a cow on 191 next to a parking area.
On another trail, we took time out to make the short walk into a canyon to see the world famous Jalapeño obstacle. (the trail also has the Pickle and Pickle Slicer) They were eight V8 powered rock crawlers lined up ready to run it. No one got rock damage and about half of them went up with barely a tire chirp.
Looks Easy Huh?
Yesterday, we took the trail to Tower Arch. It was supposed to be the destination of Safari trail Paul and Laurie did Saturday. Based on their description they got nowhere close to it and the guide got lost twice. We all enjoyed the trail. A nice blend of wheeling with some great scenery.
This and the next few pictures are at Tusher Tunnell taken by Laurie
Laurie, Himself, Sandy, Keith and Corndog
Paul and Laurie
The Gang At Tower Arch
The Marching Men
Paul and Laurie left at 6 Sunday morning. They may drive all the way back to Washington today! Makes us tired to think about it. We enjoyed their company and wish them well until we met again.
We moved out 313 toward Dead Horse and Canyonlands. I wanted to a new view. It’s five miles farther from Moab, but closer to a few trails.
We are up a 1,000 feet here, so it will be a little cooler.
Dee and Bill arrived. They are new to boondocking and want to do more.
Wednesday, April 24 - Three of us drove the Wipeout Hill Loop. It’s an OK drive. Great views of the Monitor and Merrimack but not much else. The trail ends at Wipeout Hill which is a formidable obstacle. I saw it from above last year and did not try it. I wondered if I had gained the nerve to try it this year. It looks even more formidable from below. I again passed.
Thursday, April 25 - Keith wanted to go to the Green River. And so we did. I wanted to try a bit of the White Rim Trail. The views and pictures I have seen of it were at the south end of the trail. It did not inspire me. This end of the trail starts off along the river and yes the river is green. After a few miles, the trail climbs a thousand feet and then you round a curve and it’s like a John Ford movie scene. Expansive. 70mm Panavision. Cleopatra’s chair seems close across the river. I did not even try for a picture as it would have to cover about 120 degrees and I don’t have a Hasselblad. The image is etched into my mind.
Friday, April 26 - We had a stiff wind storm after lunch, followed by a little rain. Our parking area has fine views in all directions, but it’s hugely popular. Too busy. In the afternoon, rigs are cruising for a place. There are four Cruise America’s here tonight. We are going to move tomorrow probably back to where we last were.
Keith and Sandy are homeward bound. Bill and Dee are in town for a coupla nights. We will go in tomorrow, dump and fill, do marketing and the car show.
Saturday, April 27 - We left our scenic, but all too busy, parking area and went back to Dalton Wells. I picked a spot close the bluff hoping for minimum traffic, wind protection from two directions and no drainage from the rain the forecast.
We left at 9 and did not get to camp until 2:30. We did laundry, marketing, and dump and fill. We wanted to go to the car show, but traffic was insane and Dorothy got separated from me. She saw enough of the show for her and came out to the campground.
Friday there was no chance of rain in the 10-day forecast. Saturday, there was rain forecast for days two through five. On Sunday, only days four and five have a rain chance. Inspires confidence.
Sunday, April 28 - Lazy Day.