Monday - October 10
Still on Dalton Springs Road. There was an RV we could see, but they packed up their sand toys and left. Drove with Ed and Carol to Gemini Bridges and then to Four Arches Canyon.
Tuesday - October 11
Groceries and library in the AM. Upgraded the OS on both the iPhone and the Macbook. Took forever to download and install.
We met this guy in Moab. You see all types of vehicles and folks that are a little off the road. He was a hoot. Very bright and was working on a combo of power sources for his trike.
There was some sun, so we tried to get to Klondike Bluffs on Willow Springs Road, but did not allow enough time. Stopped and shot some rocks along the way. Heavy clouds on the horizon blocked the golden hour.
Wednesday - October 12
Ed got antsy and wanted to leave. So we took their paid up spot at Goose Island. Dorothy is happy. She likes it here, even with the road traffic noise. I am OK, with only one bar and much less sun for charging.
It was a great day. I had three goals for the Moab area. The Maze, get to Klondike Bluffs and a clear day to drive the Poison Spyder trail. We notched The Maze last week. We have been close, but not to, the Klondike Bluffs three times. Once we had to abort because we got a call saying my computer was ready. Today, we drove one of the best Jeep trails in the area. And it was in Arches all along. Turn left at Balanced Rock on a dirt road that starts out a little rough but has a sandy road bed for much of the ten miles. A few of the turns were banked near 45 degrees which gave us pause about tipping over. But other than that it was an enjoyable drive through some great scenery including a canyon. It brought us up close and personal to Klondike Bluffs and we spent an hour or so taking pictures just before the golden light. I would have stayed, but had no desire to exit in the dark. We elected to take the extremely rough Tower Arch road back to pavement in Arches. We could have gone back the way we came or out to 191 on Willow Springs.

Thursday - October 13
It being a clear day we decided to drive the Poison Spyder trail. We have done it twice before and wanted to include the northern loop this time. When we got to the second “waterfall” I looked long and hard at it and wimped out. I know we have been over it before, but it was very intimating today. I am guessing that trail use has pockmarked the rock creating holes where there was smooth rock before. Disappointed? Yes. But I think I made the right choice for us. Going up was going to be difficult and I did not want to think about coming down when I was sore and tired.
It was good to catch up with our Moab friends. Kinda like coming home. Next year, I suspect we will have more time.
Friday - October 14
Errand day. Got the bumper hitch “beefed up”. Visited three rafting outfits to see what they offered for going down the Colorado. Found one that also does the Green and Yampa rivers.
Saturday - October 15
Started home. Parked outside the fairgrounds in Farmington, NM
Sunday - October 16
Drove the Besti Highway south to scout out picture locations. We will be back here for more exploration. It's a wilderness area. BLM controls it. But there are Indian roads all through it. The Indians are not real keen on white folks looking at their sacred rocks.
We parked at Enchanted Trails RV park near Albuquerque.
Strangely eroded rock formations at Ah-Shi-Sle-Pah
Can you find Dorothy in this picture? Me neither. Going to have to learn how to photograph mono-chromatic scenes.
Monday - October 17
We continued east on I40 to the city park at San Jon, NM. If we did not tire out after driving 3/4 hours, we could cross the country a lot faster. San Jon consists of a highway maintenance facility and two truck stops, both have restaurants. One has Indian fare. Yes, in the middle of nowhere we had a decent meal.
Tuesday - October 18
From NM, thru the Texas panhandle, to OK. Amarillo is the first city that looks different from our track through Nevada, Utah and New Mexico - they have brick homes. Before we reached OK, we crossed the 100th parallel and like throwing a light switch green appeared.
We parked in the Elk City, OK city park. Great place on a small lake. W and E for free. [B and T, take note]
My energy level went up starting with the first night I used the CPAP back in April. No more more struggling to keep my eyes open in the afternoon. The joy ride seems to be over starting the first of this month. I struggle to stay awake until 9. Last night it was 8pm. This means I am awake at 4!
Need to break this cycle.
Wednesday - October 19
Day 5 homeward bound. At least another 4 days to go.
Awoke to dew! Not seen in months.
Along with water, you get bugs - on the windshield.
Finally, 87 octane at “regular” prices. It was $1.75 in OKC. 20 cents higher on both sides of the city.
Parked in a most delightful COE park on Lake Eufaula. Needed the ac. The idea of returning home on the northern route in cool weather and enjoying fall colors went out the window. There is a heat wave in the mid section of the country and it looks like OK will not have fall colors this year.
Woe is us. We have had about zero equipment problems on our trips until this year.
Engine ran rough one day. Had diagnostics done. No trouble found.
Back shade cord broke, after a half-ass repair, it broke again
Five windows are fogged. Too many dirt roads we suppose.
Commode seat broke
TV antenna cable broke
Hot water heater control board went toes-up
Don’s hard drive died
Don’s computer charging cable died
Koko had to have new battery
Rubi had to have new tires
About $2,000 all total
Thursday - October 20
Overnighted at a COE park south of Little Rock on the Arkansas River called Tar Camp. We saw no tar.
Friday - October 21
Walmart in Clinton, MS
Home Saturday.
This concludes hiking, biking and Jeeping for the year.