We spent an idyllic two days at my cousin Stacey’s farm near Kentwood, LA. He has horses that race, cows that eat grass and boo-coo fire wood. He allows that the latter shows how much he is worth. A new colt was born while we were there and I took dozens of pictures of the colt. It was not like in the movies, no one attended the birth. It was fascinating to watch the new mother attend her colt as he struggled to stand. I spent several hours just watching them walk around the paddock.

Stacey demonstrated that he can cook and plied us with far too much wonderful food. He also gave us an appreciation for Community brand coffee, which we had to purchase.
Tuesday we drove into Baton Rouge and had a fine dinner at my cousins Pam’s. Stacey joined us. It was good to catch up with both of them. It’s just us now; all of our parents, aunts and uncles are gone. We spent the night in Pam’s driveway. We got up “early” and Pam took us to a coffee and beignet place. Yummy! After consuming too much white sugar we drove west and then south into the Atchafalaya Basin to Fausee Pointe SP. We need a pronunciation guide to place names in Louisiana.
We had dinner out Wednesday at Pat’s in Henderson. Red fish stuffed with crab. Not bad. On the return trip, we found a swamp where we must paddle. Near the entrance to the CG, Dorothy saw a Barred Owl on a road sign. A minute later one flew in front of the grill. When we turned in to the CG there was another one perched on sign. We stopped. We looked at him. He looked at us. He decided he could not eat us and he looked the other way. totally unperturbed by us being 10 feet away.
Thursday morning we drove back up the levee road and launched the yaks. We had an enjoyable paddle around the bayou; and then a wonderful Poboy at McGee’s.
We would stay the weekend here, but it’s booked. They say they are full most weekends. The Bayou country has none of the drama of the west, but we like it and we will be back for a longer stay.
Friday we drove back to Baton Rouge to hole up for the weekend. We had lunch at Cousin Stacey’s office. He has a couple come in and cook three times a week for the staff. He had them today “special” for us. They had fried fish, oysters, hush puppies, onion rings and cole slaw. It was all good, my fav was the oysters.
We found a CG near LSU designed for horse events. Only $16 and a decent CG. Quiet, gravel roads and wide grass sites. Only a dozen rigs here.
You guys are having too much food fun and I am jealous.